Monday, September 26, 2016

Mr.....Mr. Bones.....

Happy Monday, Y'all!!!  Are you singing?  I have a little tune stuck in my head now!  I'm happy to finally be back!  After almost a month off, I finally had some time for creativity this past weekend!  I've been itching to play with some new goodies from I Brake For Stamps so, everything came together nicely!

If you've never seen the Book of Life (animated movie), I highly recommend it!  This great image from Carmen Medlin and I Brake For Stamps, Mr. Bones, totally reminds me of the movie and the idea that I should watch it again soon!  You can see a trailer and learn more HERE.

I wanted to feature Mr. Bones in a fun, interactive way, so I decided to create a pop up card.  It's a lot easier than one might think and adds a little extra......

WOW!  See what I mean?

You can get your own Mr. Bones OR both Mr and Mrs plus a whole lot more!  Visit the IBFS store and use my coupon code (SAVE10JANE) for some extra savings!  Have a deserve it!

Be Awesome!  TTFN, Jane